Mass Boycott of Classes Till 20th of January| Further Course of Action will be decided based on a majoritarian poll.


I welcome you all back after an unexpected vacation due to unexpected circumstances, we as students of FMSR are a part of a bigger external environment and I hope you all are aware of the unfortunate incidents which have unfolded and triggered into a series of protests.

I respect opinions and believe in making joint decisions with the majority provided the minority would not have to bear a bigger share of the loss.

The Exams had to be postponed earlier as the students of Malappuram had kept a genuine demand which I felt would benefit them and save us from a loss which could have occurred In case of a total boycott, hence the matter was placed before the V.C at the end of the loop after the controller upon after discussing the situation was clear and the decision was ought to be in our favour and we were lucky enough that the students took a call to action on the right time.

Hence, I request you to use your decision-making skills to come up with solutions by researching about the current scenario, go ahead for peaceful protests, try finding on your own whether these protests are healthy or unhealthy for us.

For meanwhile I am calling out for a Mass boycott of classes for MBA grads of all 4 campuses till 20th of January for the time being. After which I shall host an opinion poll and we will go ahead with the majority as to decide the further course of action.

Aligarh | Mallappuram | Murshidabad | Kishanganj

Students of the Faculty of  International Studies need not worry as I hope new rays of hope to shine by Jan 24th.

Anas Ahmad Khan
Member Of AMU Court
F/o Management and International Studies

